What is Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is defined as a non-accidental delivery of physical harm or trauma that was caused by beating, punching, kicking, burning, biting or otherwise harming a Person; as a result of these violent actions, physical abuse is the most tangible form of abuse or maltreatment.
How to identify Physical Abuse
Although injuries can occur accidentally, physical abuse must be expected if the explanations given do not fit the injury or if a pattern of frequent injury is present. The appearance of injuries in various stages of healing makes it somewhat obvious that the physical harm did not occur as a result of a singular accident.
Indicators of physical abuse include: bruises, swollen areas, and marks on the child’s face, back, head, chest, buttocks, thighs or genital area. Common wounds of physical abuse include: human bite marks, broken bones, bruises, cigarette burns, missing hair and puncture marks.
In addition to physical marks, a child’s behavior might signal acts of physical abuse. Victims of physical abuse will display aggressive behavioral extremes or habitual withdrawal periods. Victims of child abuse will also complain of uncomfortable movements, soreness and will wear clothing that is typically inappropriate for the given weather to hide their wounds. Furthermore, victims of child abuse will be uncomfortable with physical contact and become chronic runaways